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Monday, 20 May 2013

What student should do in summer holidays for good marks?

Summer holidays are actually a big opportunity for students to gain edge over other students or classmates. Most of the students enjoys without studying at all. If you study even for 1 hour a day then you will be ahead of 80% of students. Actually there are so many students who don't study regularly every day but they try to study 4 to 5 hours continuously in single day. This is not a good way. If you want to study effectively then you should not give stress on single day. Regular study is the best way and most effective way of study. Studying 4-5 hours in a day after not studying for 5 days is not a good way of study. Studying regularly 1-2 hours a day is the best way and can make a certain change in you marks.


Now what to study is another important question. You should give more stress to that subject  in which you are weak. Working over that subject which is your favorite will help you to score more in that but giving more stress/attention to that will not going to result in any type of profit for you. Working hard always result in good in one or the other way. Some of the schools also conduct unit test or SA/FA and student plans to study at the last moment but this is not the good. You should in fact do the reverse of it. If you will plan to study for first half of the vacation and then plan to enjoy in the another half then it will defiantly going to rise up your marks.

As these are the summer holidays so students should enjoy also. Playing indoor and outdoor games will also helps to increase mental and physical state of your body. Don't sit in front of the computer all day as it will not going help you and it is also bad for your health. According to a study if a person spent more time in front of the computer then he is actually decreasing his living time period with 40%. So, try to play different games and also take care of you health. An average human must take 6 liter of water in a day otherwise body snatch that requirement from other parts of the body and some times results in fever and other diseases. So, stay fit and enjoy your summers.

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