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Friday, 17 May 2013

UPES placement record and cutoff marks for B.Tech admission 2013.

UPES University of Petroleum and Energy Studies is one of the emerging university in our country. As this university provides studies of engineering from different fields as well as studies related to energy which is the biggest demand of coming future. There are many students who are looking for a seat in this university because of placement and faculty provided is giving a tough competition to IP University as well as UPTU and other universities.


So, here are the placement record from B.Tech Geo Informatics Engineering

Companies                                 No. of students placed                         package offered (annual)  
Mahindra Satyam:                                   6                                                     ( 3.07 L)
CyberTech:                                           19                                                      (2.4 L)
CyberTech:                                             1                                                       (3L)
Sapient Global Markets:                          2                                                       (4.5 L)
SpaGeo:                                                  1                                                       (3 L) 

SpaGeo:                                                  2                                                       (2L)
MapMyIndia:                                           1                                                      (4 L) - Off Campus
TCS:                                                        2                                                      (3.16 L )
Wipro Technologies:                                 1                                                      (2.75-3.25L)
RealVista:                                                 1                                                      (3.5L) - Off Campus

Greka Drilling:                                           4                                                      (4.8L)
Infiniom solutionz:                                      3                                                      (2L)
Orimun Survey:                                         2                                                       (2L)

46 students out of 67 got placement in the 2013.

Similarly there are different placement records from different fields. We got this information from UPES Facebook. You can get further information from there only. This year 2 students got 11.5 lac placement from cairn energy and this is the highest placement record of this year. Average placement record is 4-6 lac. 


  1. can you plzz provide me placement record of upes in all stream
    my email id

  2. UPES has not disclosed their placement record. There is a record of 80% placement and those who are in petroleum related field have an avg. placement record of 5-7 lac. Other fields have an average package of 2-4 lac which varies every year.
